
We have already performed a detailed study of the Stephanus Greek New Testament versus the Hort and Westcott Greek New Testament and documented that of the almost 8000 verses, over 3200 verses differ from one another in a doctrinal manner.  That is 42%!   It is not "a few verses," as some claim.
(See Possessing God's Word.)

However, knowing how many verses differ doctrinally does not resolve the issue of which text is authentic. To resolve this issue, we conducted a number of probability studies.

We determined that the Hort and Westcott probability of authenticity is in the order of no more than 10 to the 25th power to 1 odds, but Stephanus is in the order of 10 to 191st power to 1 odds.  The difference is so large that we have to come to the inescapable conclusion that not only is Stephanus superior, but as for authentication, the Stephanus Greek New Testament appears to be the actual Word of God, as penned in the 1st Century.  We will present our proofs in this article.

Our study is based on the Stephanus 1550 Greek New Testament, less Revelation 22:21, which was added only to show the equivalent in Greek to the errant Latin text. In fact, Stephanus did not include this verse in his first two versions.  Also, this study proves this verse belongs in Romans 16:24, instead, where it exists in the Stephanus GNT. Why? Because the odds shrivel to virtually nothing if Revelation 22:21 is present.  See our FAQs.

In summary, using probability analysis we have authenticated:

  1. that God exists

  2. written Word of God exists

  3. written Word of God exists in Stephanus Greek New Testament

  4. chronological order of New Testament

  5. Stephanus and his team managed to pick the correct variants

  6. other Greek New Testaments are not the Word of God

and with a confidence level of 10 to the 191st power to one odds !!!!


For this article, we are providing the following terminology:

  • GNT = Greek New Testament
  • STGNT = Stephanus Greek New Testament, text format, latinized Greek letters, entire NT on one line, raw, no white space, no notation of any kind.
  • HWGNT = Hort and Westcott Greek New Testament (the basis for 98% of modern versions)
  • GNV = Greek Numerical Value = the value of a Greek word based on the summation of the numerical value assigned to each letter by the Greek numbering system. It is also the GNV of individual letters too. (Alpha =1, Beta = 2, etc)  (See Figure 1, below.)
  • a "low-order factor" is an integer that divides exactly into an integer of interest, and is less than 1/2 of the integer of interest
  • a "high-order factor" is an integer that divides exactly into an integer of interest, and is greater than 1/2 of the integer(s)
  • a "factor" is an integer that divides exactly into an integer of interest
  • in our representation of the spellings of Greek words, we use “Latinized” letters, which are used by most in lieu of Greek letters (See Figure 1, below.)
  • digital root = summation of all the numbers in a longer number; for example 796 = 7+9+6 = 22 (2-digit root) and 2+2 = 4 (1-digit root).

Major Findings


We have found (thus far) that the Stephanus GNT is very likely the very Word of God, as penned in the 1st Century, in the order of magnitude of  10 to the 191st power to 1 odds in favor of this.

Our probability looks like this in the long form, rounded downward to mostly all zeros.

,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  to 1 odds.

This is such high odds of so many coincidences, it validates the Stephanus GNT. These odds represent 105 coincidences thus far. Hort and Westcott GNT has only 22 coincidences, categorically, with odds not in excess of 10 to the 25th power, which is nothing in comparison to the above. And these odds were even made conservative for the Stephanus GNT, to err on the side of caution.

So, per our authentication, we believe that Hort and Westcott translations, that is, virtually all modern versions, are not faithful regardless of the language translated into. See HW_TR versions.  Note that Hort and Westcott derivatives are NA, UBS and SBL and a new one named GNT. If your version is based on these, we believe you have an unfaithful translation, as the differences are very significant. See  Possessing God's Word.  Good Stephanus GNT translations are listed at TR versions

Besides HWGNT we have also looked for high probability odds for Byzantine 05 GNT, and Scrivener (1894) and found nothing notable.


Stephanus Greek NT ODDS

The following table summarizes the probabilities we uncovered in various methods that we used, which make up the above total probability.

odds total

Reference 1 - Stephanus GNT vs Hort & Westcott GNT Counts



Table 1 - Summations, Stephanus GNT vs Hort and Westcott GNT

This table shows simple sums of selected GNT criteria, comparing STGNT (green) to HWGNT (red). The odds shown are for STGNT (black).



Reference 2 - STGNT Chronological Book Order, CRC-32 Calculations

This table represents using CRC-32 on a file containing only the Stephanus Greek NT on a single line, using Latinized letters. This file places the books in chronological order, which then not only authenticates STGNT, but its chronological order as well.

The file contains 692,370 letters, no white spaces, numbering, or anything else.

odds order a

  1. This table uses a file containing the books of the STGNT in their likely chronological order, using the Latinized representation of the Greek letters, and nothing else (no book names, verses, or even white spaces). The entire STGNT is on one line of text in a text file..
  2. Column 2 is the polynomial value input into the CRC-32 algorithm used for this file
  3. Column 4 is the resultant CRC for each respective polynomial value input used
  4. N2 = initial 2-digit digital root
  5. N2' = secondary digital root (1 or 2 digits)
  6. N1 = final 1-digit digital root
  7. The colors are reference only.


With respect to HWGNT, there is just nothing in the summations beyond 1010.

Table 2 - Calculations for STGNT Chronological Book Order Probabilities from CRC-32 Results

This table shows the individual odds' calculations we made based on various relationships in the above reference table, primarily horizontally.


  1. Digits 1-3, vertically in 10 CRCs, in Greek =  “From what-place is Jesus lifting-off of sinners the penalties-of-sins?  Seek-from-there a living righteousness.”
  2. Digits 4-6, vertically in 10 CRCs, in Greek = “Barabbas, freed and given to the barbarians, opened-up-immediately (God's) love, conveying peace to the saddened ones.”
  3. Digits 7-9, vertically in 10 CRCs, in Greek = “We now preach a view, which is aimed at you, to repent, especially because of the atonement made by (Christ's) dying, blotting out all (sin) that a sinner bears."
  4. GNV of 75888704 yields CRC=4277308773 and together these form “Jesus purchased his own” “and (he) speaks to and loves the righteous ones”

We realize that using GNVs to form sentences would be "a stretch" save that (1) this is not seen in HWGNT (other than nonsense sentences) and (2) there are so many other odds in favor of the STGNT we asked ourselves "Why not include them?"


With respect to HWGNT, horizontal CRC coincidences = 1010  no where near 6x1097 for STGNT.

Reference 3 - Vertical Coincidences and Various Symmetrical Shapes, STGNT

This table is the same CRC-32 table as seen in Reference 2.

odds vert a

Table 3 - Vertical Coincidences and Various Symmetrical Shapes, STGNT

This table provides the odds in favor of the STGNT, based on the above reference table.

odds vert b

  1. The right most column represents the raw, stand-alone odds.
  2. The next column to its left represents the calculated odds based on adjustment for the number of chances, using a common divisor.
  3. The calculated odds are conservative, therefore.


With respect to HWGNT, vertical/diagonal CRC coincidences = 1020 , no where near 2x1040 for STGNT.

Table 4 - Special External Relationships, STGNT

This table shows a number of coincidental, external relationships to the STGNT.

odds special


HWGNT has 777 horizontally and that = "You are profaning" (the Word of God) in Greek !

Table 5 - Diagonal Sums, STGNT

This table shows some diagonal summations performed on the CRC table in Reference 3, above.

odds diag sums


About the same.


The Count Counts

Note that the version of the Stephanus Greek New Testament we used in our study does not have the verse, Revelation 22:21, and ours has all the corrected Greek spellings. In fact, if Revelation 22:21 were counted, then instead of 7956 verses, there would be 7957. As it turns out, 7956 has 34 factors, while 7957 has just 3!  This adds to the credence based on other evidence as well, that verse 22:21 does not belong. 

It appears, after a little deeper study, that Stephanus only added Rev 22:21 as a comparison "note" because in his Greek-Latin, side-by-side, the Latin had the verse. And also, in that era, there were a variety of Greek sources and translations, that either had Rev 22:21 or did not.  So we resolved the disagreement on this variant mathematically. It also appears the text in Rev 22:21 is actually a text Paul wrote a number of times in the NT, and Stephanus even places it in two places in the Book of Romans, written by Paul.

Also, there are 692,370 letters in STGNT without Revelation 22:21. This verse has 48 Greek letters in it, and if added to 682,370 equals 692,418.  So instead of 46 factors into 692,370 letters, there is only 8 in 692,418 and the digit root value because unremarkable.

The number of words in STGNT is 140,526, but if we add Revelation 22:21, 11 more words would be added. So instead of 17 factors in 140,526 words, there would only be 3 factors in 140,537 words, and the digital root value becomes unremarkable.

So when it comes to the rest of the New Testament, the count counts.

Our point: The number of characters, words and verses effects how important the count is, and many resultant factors.  The STGNT excels in these 3 major areas of low-order factors, as well as complete sets of factors. Change things a bit, and the factors' count drop radically, and the digital roots become unremarkable reducing odds to that of an ordinary novel, not the amazing Stephanus Greek New Testament!

There are a lot of missing and changed words in HWGNT, which would alter the STGNT character, word and verse counts, and alter the total GNV, such that the overwhelming perfection would be disturbed in STGNT, even changing but a few things, or even just one letter!

The Order Counts

It has been well-established the approximate dates of the authorship of each of the 27 books of the NT.  Today, however, most all versions are in today's current book order, including in the Greek (and other languages besides English), and this is called the "canon order."

When we tested the canon order on the STGNT CRC, we only got a 10 to the 15th order of magnitude, but on our supposed chronological order of magnitude is highly significant at 10 to the 97th order of magnitude!

The CRC, and its resultant digital root odds, are also impacted by word order (such as subject-verb-object order in Greek), missing or added words, alternate words, and even variant spellings. If for example, too many Stigmas take the place of Sigmas, the CRC changes. This also impacts the GNV. 

The fact is that HWGNT does 100% stigma-for-sigma substitutions at the end of words, while STGNT still uses some 1st century spellings, such that not every word that ends in sigma uses stigma.  When we did replace in STGNT Stigmas-for-Sigma's at the end of all words, the resultant CRC and GNV would "blow up" our odds in favor of the STGNT. 

It should be noted that Stigma did begin to replace Sigma at the end of words during the 1st century, so those without stigma substitutions, such spellings are likely written earlier, rather than later in the 1st century. So what are mathematics authenticates is what the 1st Century text looked like with respect to Sigma-Stigma usage.

HWGNT failed badly, on all our tests. 

Hort and Westcott GNT

When we look at the tables showing HWGNT to STGNT,  Hort and Westcott GNT falls really short of the perfection we find in the Stephanus GNT.

For a list of many Stephanus Greek New Testament translations in the world see TR versions.  For Hort and Westcott translations see HW_TR versions.

Greek Numbering Method

The following table provides insight into the basic concepts of the Greek Numerical Value (GNV) of characters and whole Greek words, and summed GNVs. As can be seen, there are 27 characters used for numbers. However, the letters for 90 and 900 are made up letters, as only the other 25 are true letters of the Greek alphabet, as used for spelling out words.

Figure 1 Greek Numerical Values (GNV)

  1. The letters for 90 and 900 are not actual Greek alphabet, so are used for numbers only.
  2. The letter for 6, is Stigma, and is used in the Greek alphabet, even if not shown in upper case form. 
(Stigma's shape and name changed over time, but always represented the number 6, while Sigma is always represented by the number 200.)



What about Revelation 22:21?  Is it included or not?

  1. This verse appears to be an exact copy of Romans 16:24 in the STGNT. In fact, HWGNT does not have this verse in Romans 16:24, but places it instead in Revelation 22:21.
  2. If this verse is placed in Revelation 22:21 instead of Romans 16:24, the CRC-32 of the STGNT and its resultant digital roots "blow up" and those super high odds disappear.
  3. If it is present in Romans 16:24 and then again in Revelation 22:21, the STGNT math sums are not "perfect." Instead, the digital root of verses = 1, for words = 2, characters = 4, STGNV = 9, and chapters is still 2, and the new sum is 6, the number for man, suggesting a human made version.
  4. Additionally, the 2-digit digital root sum for verses, words and characters is no longer 27 (9 + 9 +9), but is only a single sum of 7, and so that "perfect" math is not there to equal the 27 books of the NT.
  5. Because the 75,888,704 for the STGNV now becomes 75,897,675, the story found in the GNVs for 75, 888 and 740 that represents the theme of the NT ("Jesus purchases his own"), is no longer present. (In fact the Greek words that fall out are meaningless garbage.)
  6. In any case, STGNT has "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen," in Romans 16:24 only, but HWGNT has these exact words in Revelation 22:21 only. (The Greek words are exactly the same, verbatim.) So who is right? 
    1. In either location (but not both) the grand total sums of the "perfect" math of STGNT is unchanged. Only local sums change, but there is nothing of significance to note.  
    2. The answer appears to be that these words fit in Romans 16:24, but not in Revelation 22:21.
      1. This is because these words are part of the closing words to the church at Rome, based on Paul addressing them in Romans 1:7. 
      2. However, Revelation is not really written to a particular body of believers, but is a Revelation from Jesus Christ to the churches in general, and as such, Jesus would not, via a direct revelation, close the end of Revelation with these words. They simply do not make any sense coming from Jesus as a revelation.
  7. It should be noted that the exact Greek words of Revelation 22:21 are found in 8 places in Paul's letters, so this verses seems out of place when Paul's words are located at the end of a book written by John.  Perhaps, some editors, finding this verse at Romans 16:20 and again at Romans 16:24, elected to move it to Revelation 22:21 so there would only be one of these benedictions near the end of the book of Romans ???
  8. Finally, it should be noted that Stephanus did not include this verse in his first two editions, but appears to have added it simply to show the equivalent in Greek to the Latin. In fact, many translations did not include it either in the 16th Century. 

What about removing the Johannes Comma? (1 John 5:7)
  1. Removing these words also makes the "perfect" math of the STGNV wrong, along with the math for the number of verses, words and characters.
  2. Removing this passage results in messing up the "perfect" math of the STGNT, where the 2-digit digital root sum for verses, words and characters is no long 27 (books of the NT).
  3. The sum of the single-digit digital roots for chaps, verses, words, character and STGNV is now 6 (man), instead of 1 (God), suggesting if it is remove, it is done by a man.

What about Stigma (ς) and Sigma (σ)?  Did the writers of the New Testament really use both?
  1. About the 9th century, Stigma (ς) was introduced, replacing Digamma.
  2. Stigma (ς) was only used at the end of words, while Sigma (σ) could  be used anywhere in a word.
  3. Stephanus (STGNT) and Erasmus both used Stigma and Sigma at the end of words, likely using what they obtained from various earlier manuscript sources.
  4. In the Stephanus GNT, the exact number of Stigmas (25,728) and Sigmas (82) at the end of words results in our astronomical odds of 10 to the 191st power, which means there could have been divine intervention when Stephanus created his GNT, meaning the Stigma/Sigma ratio serves to validate Stephanus GNT as the Greek text we should all be using.
  5. Changing all Sigmas at the end of words to Stigmas in Stephanus, results in virtually no odds favoring STGNT.
  6. Therefore, we conclude with the astronomical odds of 10 to the 191st power there was likely divine intervention when Stephanus created his Greek New Testament text.  This validates Stephanus over all other Greek texts.

What about "dabid" verses "dauid"?
  1. "Dabid" is the early Koine Greek spelling and "dauid" is the Medieval spelling
  2. If the Medieval (Byzantine) spelling is used, the resultant sums and CRCs collapse below 1x1030
  3. Thus Stephanus wisely chose the Koine spelling over the newer Medieval spelling
  4. The spelling "dabid" also reflects the Hebrew of "dawid" which sounds like "dabid" (Listen for your self:

What is a description of the process used?

  1. The original Greek text in Greek letters is converted to the standard Latinized letters used by most all scholars.
  2. This is represented in computers as ASCII text, that is, binary representation of the Latinized letters
  3. For summations, the Greek Numerical Values are assigned to each letter, and the entire NT is summed up (See Reference 1) 
  4. For CRCs, the Latinized letters of the entire NT, in a file containing no white space or new lines has 10 relevant seeds inputted to be processed by a polynomial for CRC-32 and the output table analyzed (See the Reference 2-5.)
What is so amazing is that no one in 1550 could have created a perfect text that would have resulted in the odds we obtained, because to get such high odds, the resultant CRCs that result in high probability of coincidences would have to calculated backwards to produce the perfect text using 692,370 characters, in the right order using the right words, etc.

Going forward it looks like this:

exact Greek text -> converted to Latin letters -> converted to binary digits -> processed via CRC calculations

     resulting in a probability odds of about 10 to the 191st order of magnitude !

Only God could do this !!!

This does not mean God inspired Stephanus, but in some way it seems He had His hand in which variants of spelling and word selection were made, and even word order had to be perfect, and also result in the right number of verses, letters, words and GNV total needed to provide CRCs that result in such incredibly high odds.


A really good example is found in Revelation 21:21 where it is translated literally "clear as glass transparent." At the end of the word for "glass" is a sigma, not a stigma (glass = "ualos") in which case, it becomes "glasstransparent" or with the adjective first, as in English, "transparentglass". This is significant, since to the Greek mind, if these two words are not a compound word, then it is not that the glass was necessarily manufactured transparent, but perhaps later cleaned and/or polished to make it transparent, or even that God performed a miracle and made it transparent when it was only translucent glass in the beginning. The compound word clarifies which case it is.

Thus, most updated Greek texts that have not maintained the joining of words in the above manner, can be misinterpreted, even to the point of corrupting doctrine. So in the Revelation 21:21 context, the street of gold was created by God as transparent-glass, not just regular glass that God changed to be transparent. But this seems harmless, so how does it change doctrine? Well, it is that God makes objects perfect to begin with, and does not make imperfect objects and then reworks them to make them perfect. This is the case throughout his creation. This speaks then to the character of God, an important doctrinal fact.

